Series pictograms of cultural themes

A series of pictograms of cultural themes.
Illusionists show, Theatre, Cinema, Opera, Reading, Ballet, Circus, Puppet theatre, Concert, Exhibition.

Dashed lines in pictograms show: motion, magic, direction, etc. For example, illusionists show dotted lines describe the essence of prestidigitation. While in theatre they characterizing the theater division of sadness and joy in the same time lines are broken, because sometimes joy passes in sadness and sadness into joy. In the cinema tape demonstrate movement while in the opera reveals whence the power of voice. In the book means flipping through the pages, while ballet – movement. On the other hand in ballet and guitar show dynamism and speed.

For pictograms are used the same inclinations, the same thickness and lines, as disrupted and filled. As a result of that they became style connectivity.